The Chameleon - Adaptive Marketing Ideas For Your Business

5 Ways to Make Your Marketing More Effective NOW!

Posted by Patrick Sitkins on Aug 2, 2016 4:52:57 PM

Chances are, your marketing & sales activity are 'ok'. People aren't busting down your doors to do business with you, but things are going 'ok'. You probably have some basic necessities like a website, social media and other outreach methods like email marketing. But, is 'ok' really 'ok'?

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Topics: inbound marketing, social media marketing, Digital Marketing, Marketing Results, Insurance Agency Marketing

The Basics of Digital Marketing from A to Z

Posted by Patrick Sitkins on Apr 28, 2016 1:59:13 PM

Creating a sound marketing strategy is one of many things on most company's "to-do" or "improvement" list. It can be a daunting task and one that, if not taken seriously, can have detrimental results since consumers are relying more and more on the availability of information and products in the digital world. 

The following list are some digital marketing basics that can serve as a sound jumping off point, or a good reminder as you evaluate your strategy.

The ABC's

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Topics: inbound marketing, Marketing 101, Digital Marketing

An Inbound Marketing Tribute to Dr. Seuss

Posted by Patrick Sitkins on Mar 4, 2016 11:30:57 AM

For 826 and three-quarter days
We developed our product, we labored away.
After months of testing, and tweaking we were ready to say, our one-of-a-kind tech gadget app was going to market today!

The staff arrived early, the anticipation swirling
We flung open the door on our eCommerce store and waited for clients to come purchase what we were sure they'd never had before.
They'd pay us a premium to get the first crack at our one-of-a-kind tech gadget app.

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Topics: inbound marketing, Digital Marketing

What is Digital Marketing?

Posted by Patrick Sitkins on Feb 16, 2016 1:40:48 PM

What is Digital Marketing?

The business, and more specifically, the marketing landscape has changed over the years from Marketing to Digital Marketing as a primary tool for reaching an audience. Webopedia defines internet marketing as "advertising and marketing efforts that use the Web and email to drive direct sales via electronic commerce, in addition to sales leads from Web sites or emails." These methods are much different than the traditional, but still relevant, methods of TV, radio and physical (newspapers) marketing methods. This is because the internet is constantly changing and there are a number of metrics to analyze and improve upon when utilizing internet marketing. Under the broad umbrella of digital marketing are three main areas:

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Topics: Digital Marketing

When Marketing Turns Into Groundhog Day

Posted by Patrick Sitkins on Feb 1, 2016 1:09:18 PM

Groundhog Day is once again upon us. If you live in the Northeast, my guess is that you are hoping Punxsutawney Phil predicts an early Spring. Whether you believe in Phil's magical powers or not, Groundhog Day is a symbol of folklore in American culture. Not only has this tradition been carried on for over 100 years, it also inspires popular culture.

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Topics: Pro Tip, Digital Marketing, Marketing Results

Top Digital Marketing & Branding Information in 2015

Posted by Patrick Sitkins on Dec 30, 2015 8:43:45 AM

Another year of great content comes to a close. We, here at Adaptive, worked hard to bring you relevant information that you could use in your own marketing efforts. While some of our posts were a bit silly (like LinkedIn photo fails), they always had a purpose.

We have compiled our most popular posts from 2015. We hope you enjoy (or re-enjoy) them; and we look forward to outdoing ourselves in 2016.


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Topics: branding, Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing and Customer Interaction

Posted by Sean Herlihy on Aug 27, 2015 9:18:30 AM

There is a video that asks what you would do with $86,400 each day, if at the end of each day, you had to give back what you didn’t use. Most people would want to spend as much money as possible each and every day so they didn’t lose it. By the video’s end, you realize, 86,400 is the number of seconds in a day and you ask yourself, are you using each of those seconds to the best of your ability so nothing goes wasted in the end?

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Topics: Client Experience, Digital Marketing

How to Determine What Your Customers Want

Posted by Patrick Murphy on Jul 9, 2015 1:37:45 PM

Business-to-business marketing has changed. In the old days, customers couldn’t use the Internet to evaluate buying options. They went directly to vendors for information. A vendor’s sales representatives cultivated relationships with their customers, and crafted their pitch based on individual customer’s needs and goals. Today, B2B customers usually complete more than 60% of their product and purchase evaluation process before they ever contact a salesperson. By visiting vendor websites and reading online user forums, they eliminate many vendors without ever talking to them.

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Topics: inbound marketing, Digital Marketing

What Is Marketing Automation?

Posted by Patrick Sitkins on Jun 10, 2015 7:29:29 AM

Marketing automation is a concept we’ve been hearing a lot about this year. Though the concept isn’t exactly new, the technology has come a long way since its start in the late 90s. Taking advantage of marketing automation can help your company become more efficient, capture more leads, and understand data on a more granular level. But what is marketing automation?

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Topics: HubSpot, Digital Marketing, Marketing Automation

3 Ways to Turn Digital Marketing Into Sales

Posted by Patrick Sitkins on Jun 1, 2015 12:27:21 PM

In order to eliminate frustrations and lack of results, marketing and sales have to work together.  Beginning with everyone being on the same page with the end goal, there are certain points that will greatly increase the likelihood of success for everyone.  Below are three ways to bridge the gap between digital marketing and sales.

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Topics: Digital Marketing