The Chameleon - Adaptive Marketing Ideas For Your Business

Sean Herlihy

Digital Account Executive | First Lieutenant USMCR
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The Importance of Routine in Social Marketing

Posted by Sean Herlihy on Nov 10, 2015 1:37:55 PM

When I was in college I worked at a bicycle shop as a mechanic, salesman and all around bike shop employee. During my time there the manager, Andre, stressed the importance of routine in daily tasks, especially when it came to building bikes. The first time I built one it took me close to 2 hours to complete, from unpackaging to meticulously placing the bike shop sticker on the seat after a test ride. Andre suggested a routine for building bikes: start at the front of the bike and work back, thus ensuring I didn’t miss tightening each bolt to their torque specification and toed the brakes appropriately. As I progressed through this process time and time again, my build time for a standard mountain bike went from 2 hours to just under an hour - from boxed up to on the floor ready to ride and sell.

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Topics: Marketing 101

Thought Leaders and the Importance of Original Content

Posted by Sean Herlihy on Oct 20, 2015 8:20:45 AM
So you’ve already established yourself within your industry and you have a solid client base. You are comfortable where you’re at, doing great work with your current customers but you don’t seem to be attracting anyone new. In addition, your current clients aren’t engaging with you and your company unless they need something or have a complaint. So, how do you attract, convert, close and delight customers? Follow what thought leaders do by posting creative and original content then publish on your site and social media outlets following these guidelines and tips.
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Topics: inbound marketing

If It's Not On Social Media, It Didn't Happen

Posted by Sean Herlihy on Sep 22, 2015 11:51:24 AM

We all know the type of person who tells fisherman’s tales. The one who caught the biggest Goliath Grouper off the east coast of Florida and had to fight it for 4 days without food or water before the fish finally gave into exhaustion. What I say to those tall tales is “prove it or it didn’t happen.” This isn’t to say people shouldn’t be trusted, but the best way to relieve all doubt from the start is to provide the evidence.

In much the same way Pat and JC are fairly active, I am an avid cyclist and runner. As such, I’ve heard the equivalent fisherman’s stories in the workout aspect of my life: the “I just did a 100 mile bike ride with 15,000 feet elevation in 4 hours” type of stories. Now that technology is there to provide that evidence I say “If it isn’t on Strava (workout tracking app and website), it didn’t happen.” In much the same way, unless you’re on social media and promoting your business or product, your customer base (both existing and new) won’t know what you have done or what new things you have to offer.

Most people browse a company’s website and social media accounts to see what is new or happening in that industry. If your page doesn’t have new content more than once every season, your “followers” will fall off their routine of staying up with your news. This doesn’t mean you have to post something every time you or an employee takes a break, eats lunch, finishes their coffee, etc. - everything is good in moderation. Saturating your feeds with too many posts, too often will overload them and, in most cases, sacrifice content quality. So even if you don’t have 10 new products rolling off the shelves every year like Apple, here are a few tips to keep those “followers” following you.

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Topics: inbound marketing

Digital Marketing and Customer Interaction

Posted by Sean Herlihy on Aug 27, 2015 9:18:30 AM

There is a video that asks what you would do with $86,400 each day, if at the end of each day, you had to give back what you didn’t use. Most people would want to spend as much money as possible each and every day so they didn’t lose it. By the video’s end, you realize, 86,400 is the number of seconds in a day and you ask yourself, are you using each of those seconds to the best of your ability so nothing goes wasted in the end?

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Topics: Client Experience, Digital Marketing