The Chameleon - Adaptive Marketing Ideas For Your Business

Conditional Inbound Marketing: Making If, Then Statements Work For You

Posted by Patrick Sitkins on Apr 6, 2015 6:30:00 PM
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If_You_give_a_MouseNot a week goes by I don’t see both the good and bad in inbound marketing. We either work with, or have close relationships with, companies seeing remarkable results from their marketing. We also speak with companies that have a very bad view of marketing - and for good reason. Many of the frustrated companies are hoping for dramatic results, look at their activity and can’t understand why their results aren’t coming as planned. The problem most times, is their goals aren’t formally documented, and the activities are just that. There has to be a connection between your expected results and the plan to get there. Just because you have someone (internally or externally) doing marketing does not mean the results are going to magically appear. 

If…Then… Statements

I chose the post image specifically becuase the story is a perfect example of if then statements (and consequences). Continuing on this thought process, many executives have a false idea of the outcomes to come. Their belief in things falling into place as long as minimums happen is incorrect. To best demonstrate this let’s look at a traditional If…Then… Statement. The University of Hawaii explains it very well:

“Compound sentences of the form ‘If P, then Q’ can perhaps be best understood as a promise. Truth for the whole compound sentence is decided on the basis of whether you think the promise is kept. Here P and Q are themselves sentences, each of which is true or false (but neither is both true and false). Think of the following promise:

If there is an elephant in the library, then I'll give you 100 dollars.

Suppose there really is an elephant in the library and I give you 100 dollars. Then I've kept my promise and the whole "if...then" sentence is true.

Suppose there really is an elephant in the library, but I don't give you any money. Then I've broken my promise and the whole "if...then" sentence is false.”

Core Marketing Services

Taking if…then sentences and applying them to marketing, you’ll see the flaw in typical thinking. Let’s examine three core marketing services and how to ensure your “if…then” is working for you.


First, you should be focused on bringing people to your website. 

False Statement: If I update my website and have social media, then my traffic will increase. 

True Statement: If I have a content strategy and plan in place, then my traffic will increase. 

This can be accomplished via an optimized Blogging strategy, solid social media publishing, search engine optimization (SEO) and email marketing. The goal is to have all of these working together to increase your traffic month over month (you should have a specific goal for traffic in mind in order to measure your effectiveness).


False Statement: If I have more monthly visitors, then I will generate more leads.

True Statement: If I have a good funnel and offers, then I will generate more leads.

If you have executed on getting more traffic to your site, the next step is to create ways to turn your traffic into qualified leads. This is done through premium content like whitepapers, eBooks, and other tools. When you put these content assets behind landing pages with conversion forms, you turn visitors into leads and can use the information you gather through those forms to continue to market to your leads (after all, there is no point in generating more traffic if you don’t have a way to capture information on those visitors!).


False Statement: If I get more leads, then I will get more customers.

True Statement: If I have buyer personas, attract the right traffic, and qualify leads, then I will grow my business. 

Once you have information on who your visitors are, the next task is to identify your true opportunities - those qualified leads worth pursuing. A lead nurturing campaign and workflows allow you to bring your leads through the sales funnel while providing them with relevant and timely information. As this automated process brings them further and further down the funnel, you will be able to identify and target the ‘low hanging fruit’ (workflows and list segmentation are great ways for you to work smarter).

In order for any B2B company to do inbound right, they have to create an atmosphere of harmony in which all of their resources are working together to accomplish the same goal - whatever that goal is. The Core Marketing Services mentioned above should be working together to create perfect harmony.

Most companies set a goal and then throw ideas and resources out there expecting it all to just work out. That is like setting a goal of running a marathon and then running whenever you feel like it. In order to complete the goal of finishing a distance race, a timeline needs to be set, elements such as nutrition, sleep, other areas of fitness, etc. need to be determined; and consistent monitoring in order to adjust and refine your plan is crucial. Without consistent data and adjustments, you are putting your results to chance!

If you want to run your next marketing campaign like a pro, then you will want to download our DIY Marketing Checklist.

DIY Inbound Marketing Guide

Topics: inbound marketing